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[體能] 國外的各種訓練

像山一樣多的訓練  orz......... U  R+ r1 `+ e( {
# U8 W- d0 a& k9 i& Q

0 S$ K: S! r) m. r" XGreat Fitness Sites I (Conditioning)
. j, K* Q4 n; L& ]' @http://tt.tennis-warehouse.com/showthread.php?t=52164
. |2 E! k: w& c/ x7 ?; @
# U; Z& r5 C- x7 ZGreat Fitness Sites II (Aches and Pains)
; N4 U0 i: r6 S% M0 h, Whttp://tt.tennis-warehouse.com/showthread.php?t=52165
- ^. L' E2 k6 b. d5 g+ g(go here for tennis elbow, wrist and shoulder probs, etc)
+ G' B+ b0 {" t, d, }+ V1 e: O9 e, X! y  H; J$ J( i  `

( [# g' G* r- o0 D& d太多了啦 orz  看不完,其中有這個腳步訓練看起來不錯
) x( a" ~; F: l$ y9 ohttp://www.playerdevelopment.usta.com/content/fullstory.sps?iNewsid=249179&itype=7418

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