2017 HEAD X SUNNY KIDS TENNIS tournament

 In EVENTS, Tournament

Come and play the tennis game! To enhance your children’s tennis skills, stress resistance, and social etiquette, HEAD & SUNNY TENNIS teamed up to hold a mini tennis game. With a 36ft mini tennis court, bigger and lighter tennis ball, shorter racket, children of all ages can enjoy the fun of tennis on the court like adults.

2017 SUNNY Junior cup tournament 兒童網球

This is the second time we held a mini tennis game for children. From our wonderful experience last year, we felt the energy of all participants again today.

Check out the video and feel the fun with us!

2017 SUNNY Junior cup tournament 兒童網球

This game was divided into 2 age groups of 5-8 year-old and 9-11 year-old. In order to give children more opportunities to play, each group applied a group cycle. This way, each player could play at least 2-3 games. Rick Lin, founder of SUNNY TENNIS said,: “This event is more educational than winning or losing the game. The goal is to make children play tennis happily while learning the rules and etiquette of the game. So no matter what the result is, we will all issue a certificate of completion to the children to encourage them! ”

2017 SUNNY Junior cup 陽光 兒童網球

Lucas, aged 6, a SUNNY TENNIS student said; “This is my first time competing in a tennis game. I didn’t really know about the game rule before. But my coach and my dad explained and practiced with me very patiently. I was so nervous at first, I couldn’t hit back any ball. Then I told myself that I just focus and run. I did some rallies with my opponent later on. Even though I didn’t win, I now know I just have to focus first. Maybe next year I’ll win because I’ll go back and practice more. ”

2017 SUNNY Junior cup 陽光 兒童網球

Go go go!!! What a tennis sweetie!

2017 SUNNY Junior cup 陽光 兒童網球

Every young players worked so hard and hit every ball they can.

2017 SUNNY Junior cup 陽光 兒童 網球 幼兒 kid

Next to the tennis court, we designed some fun games for all parents to play with their children. Everyone looked so cheerful! In the middle of the competition, there was the coach’s performance game. All the participants were excited to see such a fast-paced and advanced game. There was more fun to do by the court: SUNNY TENNIS lucky draw! All the nice tennis gifts sponsored by HEAD, the best tennis facility of all.

2017 SUNNY Junior cup tournament 兒童網球 陽光

Let’s all say “Cheeeeeeeeeeese” ~

SUNNY Junior cup 陽光 兒童 網球 幼兒 kid

 Congratulations to all hard working players!

After a long day on the court, let’s give them our warmest praise. These kids were just amazing! We will definitely hold another game next year. Come back next year and see who’s the winner of the game!

Wanna play on the court like these cute and young players? Here’s the rule for mini tennis by ITF.  (Please select the English CC subtitle)

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